ICER Student Scholarship Deadline Jan.13, 2021
The online application for the Institute for Community Engaged Research is now open. In recognition of ICER’s commitment to supporting students involved in community engaged research, we are awarding three $1000 scholarships in 2021. The scholarships offer financial support to current UBC Okanagan graduate, or in exceptional circumstances, undergraduate, students. The recipients should be actively […]
March 4, Relax-a-cucha 2020: Literacies Writ Large
Relax-a-cucha 2020: Literacies Writ Large (It’s more than ready & writing!) Join us for an informative and engaging evening that explores aspects of literacies not often thought about. The speakers have been asked to present 12 visual slides that highlight an aspect of literacy other than reading and writing. Each speaker will have 7 minutes […]
Nov. 5, Starting a Conversation with Zak Draper
DO FAMILIES NEED TO POWER DOWN TO CONNECT? A STUDY OF FAMILIES TECHNOLOGY AND WELLBEING. Childminders in the Okanagan have expressed concerns about young children’s dependence on, and overuse of, screen-based media including smartphones, tablets, television, and videogames. We attempted to quantify relationships between different types of technology use (i.e., device, amount, weekday and weekend […]
2019-20 Workstudy: Community and Knowledge Mobilizer. Deadline Sept. 13
The Institute for Community Engaged Research is hiring a Research Assistant for 2019-20! Deadline: Sept. 13, 2019 Job Title: Community and Knowledge Mobilizer Job Description The community and knowledge mobilizer will work with The Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER) faculty, staff and community members under the direction of the Institute director and coordinator. Their […]
Starting a Conversation with Sandra Fox – Jan. 24, 2019
The next Starting a Conversation will be hosted by Sandra Fox. Thursday, January 24, 2019 12:30 to 1:30 pm Arts 368 Indigenous Identity in Post-Secondary “Situations” After working at Aboriginal Programs and Services at UBCO, I noticed how many of the Indigenous students I saw shared similar stories relating to their identities, and coming to […]