The Institute for Community Engaged Research Press (ICER Press)
The Institute for Community Engaged Research publishes a variety of knowledge creation and exchange initiatives through our own press, including: videos from keynote speakers from various symposia; reports and other publications. The press is interested in supporting projects that facilitate accessibility to knowledge that supports new and innovative ways of thinking, knowing and acting.
The Centre for Social, Spatial & Economic Justice Press (CSSEJ Press)
The Centre for Social, Spatial and Economic Justice Press publishes books, DVDs, reports in order to: Disseminate material; Promote Cultural Expression; Promote Collaboration; Assist Scholars of Applied Critical and Social Science. The CSSEJ press was the forerunner to the ICER Press.
Affiliated Presses:
Several members of the Institute for Community Engaged are also on the editorial boards for the following journals and press:
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
ACME is an international journal for critical analyses of the social, the spatial, and the political.
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes
The CJLACS makes an important contribution to furthering knowledge about these regions in Canada and around the world. It offers scholars, graduate students, and independent researchers a Canadian venue for publishing their work. It publishes peer-reviewed articles based on original research, in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Locale: The Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies
Locale is an open-access online journal. It combines peer-reviewed academic articles with industry forums, debates and photo essays. The journal welcomes contributions from the breadth of food and drinks related research.
Shima:The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures
Shima is a peer-refereed academic journal that is published twice a year in open access online form and has been registered with the Directory of Open Access Journals since 2007.