March 24, Starting a Conversation with Madelaine Lekei – Digitally Bound: Following the Threads of Digital Communities
March 24, Noon to 1 pm WATCH LIVE Abstract How do we bring community engaged methods to digital spaces? How can we approach community when participants are digitally and geographically dispersed? What does it look and feel like to work with vulnerability in a pandemic? In this conversation, I take these questions as starting points […]
Mar. 17, Starting a Conversation with Adam Kunis – Navigating Uncharted Terrain: Key Strategies for Disaster Recovery
Join us for the next Starting a Conversation talk with MA candidate – Adam Kunis on Thursday, March 14, 2022, from 12 noon to 1pm. The goal of this research is to understand how tourism destinations were affected by COVID-19. This research took place in Canada’s Thompson Okanagan, an important tourism region in British Columbia’s […]
Feb. 17, Starting a Conversation with Madeline Donald – Corrugating Attentiveness: A Presearch Methodology
12:00 to 1:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting The education of attention and perception takes time and repetition. Corrugation, as defined here, is a dance between attention, memory, and the passage of time: experience folds into ideas folding into experience. I will speak to my experience of corrugating relations in some of the riparian habitats […]
Nov. 24, Starting a Conversation with Bethany Presley – How do smaller Canadian cities address homelessness with limited funding and resources?
Please join us for the next Starting a Conversation discussion series! These noon hour discussions are an informal opportunity for presenters and audiences to explore a variety of topics and works-in-process. Everyone is welcome! To receive the Zoom link, please email: Abstract: Homelessness is growing in smaller cities across Canada. Planning to tackle homelessness […]
Apr. 21 – Starting a Conversation with Alanna Coady
How do shame and social support impact depressive symptoms for people living with chronic pain? Wednesday, April 21, 12 Noon – 1 pm Please join us for the next Starting a Conversation discussion series! These noon hour discussions are an informal opportunity for presenters to and audiences to explore a variety of topics and works-in-process. […]
Feb. 9, 2021 – Starting a Conversation with Kelly Panchyshyn: Can food foraging offer avenues for advancing community cohesion?
Join us on Tuesday, Feb.9, from noon to 1 pm for our next Starting the Conversation discussion. This will be an online Zoom event, so please email to register. The question for discussion: Can food foraging offer avenues for advancing community cohesion? Abstract The practice of harvesting wild plants and fungi is an integral […]
Nov. 15 – Starting a Conversation with Liam King: Digital Wellness Project for Young Indigenous Men
Digital Wellness Project for Young Indigenous Men The identity of young Indigenous men is extremely important to their ability to live happy and healthy lives. However, little is known about how young Indigenous men use digital media to develop their identity and the impacts this has on health and wellness. This project seeks to bring […]
Nov. 5, Starting a Conversation with Zak Draper
DO FAMILIES NEED TO POWER DOWN TO CONNECT? A STUDY OF FAMILIES TECHNOLOGY AND WELLBEING. Childminders in the Okanagan have expressed concerns about young children’s dependence on, and overuse of, screen-based media including smartphones, tablets, television, and videogames. We attempted to quantify relationships between different types of technology use (i.e., device, amount, weekday and weekend […]
Sept.17.19 – Starting a Conversation with Dr. Rahon D’Souza –
RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES in ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY / HUMANITIES Dr. D’Souza is a visiting scholar from Kyoto University. Please join us for an informal talk with Dr. D’Souza about Research Methodologies in Environmental History / Humanities. This event is open to everyone. Bio: His PhD was awarded from the Centre for Historical Studies (Jawaharlal Nehru University). He […]
Starting a Conversation with Sandra Fox – Jan. 24, 2019
The next Starting a Conversation will be hosted by Sandra Fox. Thursday, January 24, 2019 12:30 to 1:30 pm Arts 368 Indigenous Identity in Post-Secondary “Situations” After working at Aboriginal Programs and Services at UBCO, I noticed how many of the Indigenous students I saw shared similar stories relating to their identities, and coming to […]