
Cultural Economies of Academic Knowledge Production

A Critical Geography Speaker Series Organized by Students of Geography 480: Advanced Seminar in Critical Geography Interested to learn about academic publishing from editors of international journals and internationally renowned scholars? Join the students of Geography 480 for their speaker series: Cultural Economies of Academic Publishing. This series will allow students and others interested in […]

March 9, 16, 23 The UBCO Local Food Values Dialogues Series:

 UBCO students sorting apples at Curlew Orchard. “Ugly” carrot tasting at the UBCO farmer’s market. Apple tasting with Chef Brad Vigue of UBC O Food Services and apple supplier Patrick Allen from Curlew Orchard. “Every decision we make about food is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.” ~Francis Moore Lappe […]

Jan. 25 – Starting a Conversation with Hanna Paul: Metis Moon Time and Decolonizing Women’s Body Image

Join MA student Hanna Paul for the next Starting a Conversation Wednesday, Jan. 25 12:00 to 1:00 pm Arts 368 | Zoom Abstract: My MA thesis centers Métis women and youth of the North Vermilion Settlement (Buttertown), Alberta and their embodied experiences with moon time (menstruation) in relation to body confidence. My aunties expressed that […]

Jan. 17 – Starting a Conversation with Dr. Farrah Bérubé: Intercultural Communication in the Digital Age

Join visiting scholar, Dr. Farrah Bérubé for the next Starting a Conversation. Tuesday, Jan. 17 12:00 to 1:00 pm Arts 368 | Zoom As an associate professor, I supervise more and more graduate students who are interested in the many and varied issues of intercultural communication. I have observed that my students are increasingly choosing […]

Nov.17 – Characterizing Brain Injury in 2S/LGBTQIA+ Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence with Tori Stranges

Starting a Conversation with Tori Stranges Thursday, Nov.17 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm Arts 368 / Zoom  Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public and personal health epidemic. Statistics Canada (2011) and the World Health Organization (2021) note that one in three identifying-women experience IPV in their lifetime. IPV is defined as physical, sexual, emotional, […]