Dr. D’Souza is a visiting scholar from Kyoto University. Please join us for an informal talk with Dr. D’Souza about Research Methodologies
in Environmental History / Humanities. This event is open to everyone.
His PhD was awarded from the Centre for Historical Studies (Jawaharlal Nehru University). He was elected General Secretary
of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Student’s Union (1989-90), on the political platform of the All India Student’s Federation. He is
the author of Drowned and Dammed: Colonial Capitalism and Flood control in Eastern India (2006) and the joint editor of The
British Empire and the Natural World: Environmental Encounters in South Asia (2011). He has also edited the Environment, Technology
and Development: Critical and Subversive essays (2012) for the Economic and Political Weekly Series. His research interests and
publications cover themes in environmental history, political ecology, sustainable development and modern technology.