Institute for Community Engaged Research Press
The Institute for Community Engaged Research press publishes in a variety of media including books, dvds, reports and videos.
Cultural Safety Symposium May 2015
Keynote speaker: Dr. Jeannette Armstrong, Canada Research Chair in Okanagan Indigenous Knowledge and Philosophy, UBC Okanagan
NB Dr. Armstrong’s presentation begins at the 11:14 mark.
Keynote speakers: Dr. Mike Evans and Dr. Rachelle Hole, UBC Okanagan
Why bother with Cultural Safety?: Lessons from the “Barriers Project” and beyond:
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Ward
Okanagan Approaches to Cultural Safety: Promoting Well-Being for All
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Donna Kurtz, UBC Okanagan School of Nursin; Eric Mitchell, Chris Marchand, Okanagan Indian Band Knowledge Keepers; Jessie Nyberg Shuswap Elder and HELP’s Aboriginal Steering Committee Elder
UBC CS Modules
Keynote speaker: Dr. Evan Adams, Chief Medical Officer
One Perspective on Two-eyed Seeing: