Archives by date

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Nov. 24, Starting a Conversation with Bethany Presley – How do smaller Canadian cities address homelessness with limited funding and resources?

Please join us for the next Starting a Conversation discussion series! These noon hour discussions are an informal opportunity for presenters and audiences to explore a variety of topics and works-in-process. Everyone is welcome! To receive the Zoom link, please email: Abstract: Homelessness is growing in smaller cities across Canada. Planning to tackle homelessness […]

Dec. 1 – Truths, Myths, and Kelowna’s Transportation Master Plan

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 7:00 pm Climate Change, Urban Sprawl, Habitat Destruction, Sedentary Lifestyles … These issues and many more are connected to our land use choices, and those choices are heavily influenced by the way we build and manage our transportation infrastructure. Kelowna is in the final stages of developing its transportation master plan, […]